Business Education

Holiday Reading List

In anticipation of winter break, the CWiB Officers compiled a list of reading materials relevant to our organization’s mission. These books have been influential in our own career development and exploration, or are books we are hoping to read in the near future ourselves. We hope you’ll have the time to check out one or more from this selection between catching up with friends and family and catching up on sleep. 

Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio – This book contains a multitude of lessons for individuals and companies on numerous topics such as decision-making and building strong teams. 

#GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso – Follow Sophia Amoruso’ career from a struggling twenty-something selling clothes on eBay to the founder of fashion retailers NastyGal and GirlBoss.

Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg – The Facebook COO sparked a conversation about what women can and cannot do in the workplace in this book outlining anecdotes and research on the topic of professional and personal fulfilment.

Becoming by Michelle Obama – Michelle Obama’s autobiographical novel, released this year, follows her path from a young lady growing up on the South Side of Chicago to the White House in DC, and all that has been a part of her journey.

Good to Great by Jim Collins – This book discusses how a company makes the transition from good to great, and why many fail to do so.

Please, if you have read any of these books, we’d love to hear your feedback. Also, feel free to comment other books you’ve read that you think would be a great addition to this list!

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